I learned many things from working with both Thomas Pheasant and Steven Volpe but one of the most important lessons that I took from both is approaching the design of the room through the lens of a photographer and the composition of an artist. A room should tell a story, and the vignettes become the mise en scène for capturing the essence and overall mood of the room. There is an art to creating the vignette, creating a connection between disparate objects and furniture and playing with scale and evoking a sense of drama and excitement. I think the master of the vignette was the great David Hicks, who always created the perfect tableaux. Hope you enjoy the vignettes that inspire me.
Thomas Pheasant from Simply Serene
Robert Couturier
Alexandre Biaggi
Atelier A.M.
Daniel Romualdez
David Giesman
David Hicks
David Hicks
Howard Slatkin for Deeda Blair
James Huniford
Jean Louis Deniot
Jed Johnson for Andy Warhol
Karl Lagerfeld
Lorenzo Castillo
Lorenzo Castillo
Lorenzo Castillo
Luis Bustamante
Madison Cox
Mark Cunningham
Mark Cunningham
Yours Truly
Michael Smith
Pierre Passabon
Raji Radhakrishnan
Sandra Nunnerly
Lorenzo Castillo
Steven Volpe
Steven Volpe
Thierry Despont
Thierry Despont
Veere Grenney
via The Fuller View
Yves Gastou
Michael Smith