by Michael Hampton | Mar 25, 2009 | Uncategorized
I have two major addictions, books and dashing into antique stores. Ok I love food and wine too but that’s a totally different story.During one of my recent jaunts into a favorite antique shop in Georgetown I was stunned and flabbergasted to find what appeared...
by Michael Hampton | Mar 1, 2009 | Uncategorized
At long last I have completed the Temple of the Four Winds! Since my last blog I have focused on adding all of the multiple layers to the painting. This can undoubtedly be the longest phase of the painting but god is in the details and I easily and happily get lost in...
by Michael Hampton | Feb 6, 2009 | Uncategorized
After many hours of creating my line drawing the time has come to begin my under wash. This stage in the process makes me a nervous wreck! One wrong move and all of the hours you have spent on the drawing can be ruined in 30 seconds by not taking the correct steps...
by Michael Hampton | Jan 8, 2009 | Uncategorized
It seems like it has taken me forever to get to this point but the under drawing is finally complete and I can proceed with the first step in the watercolor process, which is attaching it to the board.I attach the drawing to a hollow core board. You can find them in...
by Michael Hampton | Jan 8, 2009 | Uncategorized
Now that the holidays are over I am looking forward to moving forward on the watercolor of the Temple of the Four Winds and to get caught up on the blog. I have made the revisions to the scale of the dome as well as the urns and I am pleased now with the results.With...
by Michael Hampton | Dec 18, 2008 | Uncategorized
My partner, David surprised me with a wonderful early holiday gift. A beautiful book on Sir John Vanbrugh who designed the temple. Inside are many detailed photos of his work including the Temple of the Four Winds. I was speechless after unwrapping the book. I had no...